Sunday, December 28, 2008

Go Fish!!

Tonight after dinner Sebastian, Jamie and I played "Go Fish". This was the first time Sebastian has ever played a card game with us (his Flash cards don't count) and it was awesome watching Sebastian's face when he went fishing and actually found a match for the card he asked for!!

Jamie and Sebastian were a team and Jamie helped Sebastian recognize the shapes of the cards and the numbers by teaching him how to count the "spots".

It really was a lot of fun, with Sebastian actually seeming to understand the concept of the game, and this means...drum roll please...that family game night has now begun!! Yippeee! Can't wait for our next one!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Just arrived home after having an enjoyable Christmas with Jamie's family. We arrived at "the Farm" (as I affectionately call Jamie's parents home) mid-afternoon on the 24th and stayed put until shortly after noon on Boxing Day.

It was a wonderful holiday characterized by relaxing and just enjoying each other's company. We spent Christmas Eve enjoying the traditional spread of cheese and meat platters, fresh fruit, baked Camembert with cranberries, Trifle and Christmas cheer (mulled wine, rum and eggnog, rye etc.) with Aunt Janice and Aunt Jennifer before slumbering down for the night. Sebastian was up by six and we were greeted by Papa already awake with fresh coffee brewing soon to be followed by Nonee joining us and Aunt Becky shortly thereafter.

After opening our stockings we sat down for breakfast and enjoyed the Lazy Wife's Breakfast that Aunt Janice had kindly left with us the night before. After breakfast we returned to the living room where we listened to carols on the radio while we continued to open our presents. Sebastian opened everyone of his gifts slowly and examined each one before waiting patiently for his next gift (the Christmas Elf hands gifts out and we wait until someone has opened a gift before the next gift is handed out). It's hard to say for certain if Sebastian had a favourite gift. He most definitely enjoyed his gift from Papa, in which he gave Sebastian a handmade wooden dump truck and the wooden tea seat that "Santa" had given him.

Once presents were opened preparation for the evenings dinner soon commenced. By 3 p.m. the house was full and it was time for gift opening once again. We merrily enjoyed each others company and with full and happy stomachs went to bed shortly after everyone departed for the night and after Sebastian had some cuddle time with his Aunt Becky.

Boxing Day morning we all slept in (sleeping in for us was 8 a.m.!), enjoyed leftovers and lazed about, with Sebastian spending more quality time with his Aunt Becky, until it was time to head home.

Sebastian was sad to go, as he always is, but we told him not to cry as we'd be back again one day.... We weren't even at Guelph Line before he was fast asleep! Anyways, we're now home for a few days and then we'll be off to Fort Erie to celebrate my dad's birthday and the New Year with my family.

Thanks for such wonderful memories,

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday surrounded by family and friends and all the best wishes for a prosperous New Year!!

Monday, December 22, 2008


Visual of the actual amount of snow sitting on our patio table! Looks like a giant cupcake!!

This weekend, as I'm sure a lot of you already know, we were hit with snow... lots and lots of snow! As we didn't get a lot of opportunity on Saturday to go out and play we made sure we were out of the house by 9 a.m. on Sunday to venture out for our snow adventure.

This was my tobaggon from when I was Sebastian's age

Our first stop, after daddy shoveled the walk, was to the park where Sebastian experienced the joys of tobogganing for the first time. The snow was literally past his knees but he did a great job walking through the drifts, even surviving a few face plants along the way, and doing a few angels in the snow. Along the way home we stopped in a little abandoned yard where Sebastian and daddy played while I dug out the car. I've never found the need for snow pants but now that we are so active in the snow I really must look into purchasing a pair in the new year for myself! Snow angels in jeans just doesn't cut it!! Brrrr!!! And I really don't want to be the one stuck shoveling out the car when I could be playing instead!

We then went home and enjoyed hot chocolate before Sebastian settled down for a long winter's nap.

We call this the bunny hill...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

When Sebastian was 3 mos old we celebrated his first Christmas. Being his first it was very special but there really isn't too much a 3 month old can do, except of course be put in a Santa outfit and have a million and one flashes of the camera in your face. The next year Sebastian was 15 months old. He was walking, running and talking and although he didn't pay too much attention to all the ornaments and trinkets he definitely enjoyed himself being surrounded by family and friends. This year however, has been so much different and I don't want this feeling to end....

Sebastian has brought back the magic of Christmas.

For example, we've been taping the old classic holiday specials and watching them together curled up on the couch as a family. We've also enjoyed watching Sebastian place items in his quilted advent calendar that Nonee had made for us. Sebastian has a lot of fun putting his hand into the "magic Christmas bag" and pulling out one holiday themed item to place in the calendar daily. While eating he'll look at the calendar and talk about what pictures he sees and the item he thinks he's going to be pulling out of the bag next i.e., a gingerbread man.

This year also marked our first Santa Claus parade, our first real live (as live as a chopped tree can be) Christmas Tree, Christmas Carrol's, Santa Claus and of course Christmas Specials. And the fact that it isn't even Christmas yet and we're having so much fun is making it difficult for me to contain my excitement for the actual day!!

And I guess what also makes Christmas so special for us with Sebastian is that we've been able to begin to teach Sebastian the importance of giving and that Christmas is a time to spend with our loved ones and family (not that those are two separate things) and to appreciate just how lucky we are. Because that in itself, is the true magic.

And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?
-- Theodor Seuss Geisel

Monday, December 15, 2008

Santa's Message to Sebastian

Sebastian received a special email from Santa Claus today and we, Sebastian and I, thought we'd share. Click here to see it!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


As I mentioned in an earlier post we had purchased our first real Christmas Tree this year. During the past week I slowly began decorating the tree. First the lights went on the tree Sunday night, then on Tuesday the garland, on Friday I placed a minimal amount of decorations out (all stuff that Sebastian could safely touch) around the house and then on Saturday night Jamie and I decorated 3/4 of the tree, leaving the lower branches for Sebastian to decorate with all the non-breakables this morning.

Sebastian was a pro, as you will see, with decorating the tree and thoroughly enjoyed himself. It was wonderful watching his face light up as he took each ornament out of the special Christmas tin we had placed them in, and then put them on the tree. Anyways, it was a special morning for all of us and I thought I'd share this little snippet of Sebastian in action. Hope you enjoy it:

Big Cousin!!

Sebastian is now a big cousin!!!

On Wednesday December 3rd, my sister/Aunt Shari, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Sophia Violet Carpenter. We had the honour of finally meeting her on Saturday and I'm trying to get Sebastian to say Sophia but right now he just likes to refer to her as his "Baby Girl Cousin"!! He actually didn't pay her too much attention, spending the majority of his time playing with his cousin Jeremy's toys, but that was okay with me as it gave me more time to cuddle with my new niece!

Congratulations again to Shari, Dave, Kassandra and Jeremy!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Our weekend...

On Saturday after Sportball we loaded up the car and headed to Paris to help celebrate Nana's 82nd birthday. While there Sebastian played with his relatives and enjoyed sitting on his Great Grandad's lap and having a story read to him. Jamie purposely brought along the book Green Eggs and Ham for Grandad to read to Sebastian as Grandad, as the story goes, used to read Green Eggs and Ham to Aunt Janice so often when she was a child that he literally had nightmares from the book! We're hoping he didn't have nightmares of Green Eggs and Ham on Sunday night, but even if he did, just as when Aunt Janice was a child, I'm sure it was worth it!

And on Sunday we ventured out to purchase our very first Christmas Tree! Sebastian helped pick it out and after we got home we put it out on the back deck to let it relax. However, that didn't last too long as it started to in the house it came. It was also a first for me too as I've never had a live tree before and it was wonderful smelling the tree all evening. Sebastian however doesn't quite agree that the tree smells wonderful as he told us this morning that it smelled stinky! Oh well... he may change his mind once it's actually decorated!

We then spent the remainder of our afternoon singing while my cousin Kelly accompanied our beautiful voices (ha ha) with the violin. Sebastian absolutely loved his jam session and thoroughly enjoyed having his own playmate once again. He has quickly caught that when we have company they really aren't here to visit with us!

Monday, November 24, 2008

These are a few of my favourite things...

Playing dressup with my pink apron

I haven't really provided an update on the various things our lil' 26 month old likes, so I thought I would take some time to do so. In no particular order:

We're really lucky.. Sebastian pretty much likes all food but there are a few things that we've noticed he likes better than others...

For example, Sebastian absolutely loves shrimp. We think he gets this from Evelyn as we hardly ever have fish, except for the occasional fish & chips on a Friday night. Now we're actually purposely adding shrimp to our grocery list so our little man can get his full. And get his full he does! He can usually eat at least 7 shrimp in one sitting!

Sebastian also adores pickles, lemons and olives. Of course, not all together but separately he's a big fan. He also enjoys cookies, when he's allowed to have them and is a huge fan of soy chocolate milk. The regular chocolate milk has way too much sugar in it, so soy it is. If he had his way he'd drink soy chocolate milk all day! But he doesn't... one glass a day suits us just fine.

This is a hard one to explain but yet easy... Sebastian loves doing a variety of things. He likes to watch Youtube clips on Jack the Pumpkin King from A Nightmare Before Christmas sing "What's This?" as well as Abby Cadabby, whom he adores, turning an elephant into a pumpkin via Sesame Street and various other vintage Sesame Street and Muppet Show clips, which is partially my fault as I love the old Muppet Show and Sesame Street.

Sebastian enjoys all kinds of vehicles, but mainly tractors, construction vehicles and firetrucks. He loves doing puzzles and is now working on puzzles that require him to actually fit the pieces together as opposed to putting the pieces in a dedicated precut spot.

If we let him he would watch Mighty Machines all day long, but we don't, so one five minute segment and maybe two, is all he gets. Sebastian is also an amazing dancer and singer. He literally just jumps up and down, running around and yelling, which constitutes singing for him. He makes up his own songs and enjoys it if we dance along, which we do of course. It's nice that I'm no longer dancing around the house by myself! =)

One thing that we've noticed Sebastian really likes to talk about and do is Sportsball. This is a program he goes to on Saturdays with his dad. It will be Wednesday and he'll start asking about going and talking about his coaches. It's nice to see him developing an interest in sports and physical activity in general... we may even start gymnastics in the New Year... and we're already signed up for the next session of Sportball.

Playing hide and seek is also a new game of Sebastian's. He learned this via his cousin Jeremy so now he makes us count while he goes and hides. Problem is, Sebastian doesn't have the patience to wait for us to find him. He usually jumps out laughing before we even get a chance!

Reading and colouring/painting are also very high on Sebastian's list of things he enjoys. He can spend half his morning looking at books and being read to. It's a great way to spend time with Sebastian as we talk about the pictures and what's happening with the story. We're really happy he enjoys books as much as he does.

And how could I almost forget - Sebastian also loves playing with his friends! He really enjoys his Mondays with Leah and Jeff and will talk about his friends at daycare. It's great seeing him become such a little social butterfly!

And last but certainly not the least...

Silly things:
Well, basically everything Sebastian does has some silliness to it...but I'm bias...I like silly.

Today Sebastian told his daddy that his daddy was "driving me (him) bonkers"! He also continues to want to wear his winter boots around the house and lately it's been very difficult getting Sebastian to change out of his pajamas. I guess that's the problem when he has pajamas he really likes...whatever happened to those itchy woolly kind?

I could go on and on about this kid...but I will stop for now. Again, these are just a few of his favourite things.

Tip of the Day

Don't teach your toddler traffic signals unless you're prepared to have a pint sized dictator/back seat driver!!!

Actually, I'm joking - Sebastian has yet to tell me how to drive even though he does know that green means go and red means stop. But that little tip of the day came to mind while we were running around the kitchen this morning playing Green Light, Red Light. We even incorporated the yellow light in there too. It was comical watching Sebastian run in slow motion!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sebastian and I just returned from a trek down to Fort Erie. Originally we planned the trip to coincide with our living room and upstairs getting painted, with the thought being that we would leave the day painting commenced and return to a brand new home. However, the painting was pushed back a week and since I was off from work we decided we'd still go down to spend time with our family.

This was actually the first trip that I have taken alone with Sebastian that involved overnights. We left on the Thursday and came home yesterday on the Saturday. The first night was a little rough as Sebastian was waking every 2.5 hours (or so it seemed) and he was up for the day around 5:30. Luckily both him and I had a nap later that day! Then on Friday night he slept straight through the night until his usual waking time of 6:30 so that was really nice.

Sebastian had a lot of fun playing with his cousin Jeremy. In fact, he had such a good time that when we came home he said he was sad and that he missed Jeremy. Poor kid... he basically ran after Jeremy and played non-stop the entire time we were there. He also enjoyed spending time with other extended family during our visit. I think we both took some time having to adjust to coming home. Not that we didn't want to come home and/or see daddy of course, but Sebastian really enjoys seeing his cousins and it really makes me wish we lived closer to family so that Sebastian could see his family more often. Oh well... one day.

And again, thanks to Jeremy for being such an awesome older cousin. I can only hope that Sebastian is as cool as an older cousin to his new cousin who's arrival we are all anxiously awaiting for. And for the record, we say it's going to be a she! =)

His first doughnut!! Courtesy of Aunt Linda and Uncle Bob who are famous for always bringing doughnuts!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

S is for Sebastian

Today Sebastian and I were sitting together reading his Baby Einstein's "My First Book of Letters". At the end of the book there is a brightly coloured alphabet. We took some time singing the alphabet while I pointed to the letters. While doing so I pointed out to Sebastian the letter S, reminding him that Sebastian started with S as well as D for daddy and M for mommy.

Tonight after dinner while Sebastian was helping Jamie wash the dishes, which consists of him standing on a chair and watching, I took out the book to see if Sebastian would show off his mad letter skills. Sure enough, when I asked him what letter his name started with he said S and then pointed right to it. Without me even cuing him he pointed to the D for daddy and then, with some assistance, remembered where the M was.

And, seeing that it's not every day that your child recognizes the letter to their name for the very first time I wanted to share....

Hoping everyone is staying warm,

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Today we took Sebastian to his very first Santa Claus Parade. And it was not just any old Santa Claus Parade, it was the Toronto Santa Claus Parade, in which it is estimated that over 1/2 a million people attend and some even arrive 3 hours early just to get a good view. And I'm not making that point to brag... I'm making that point because both Jamie and I hate crowds and it's amazing the things that we now do for the sake of Sebastian!

We joined up with our friends Stacey and Brendan and their son Campbell and braved the cold and snow for 3 hours (the parade itself wasn't 3 hours but we arrived 1.5 hrs early to ensure we got a good spot, which we did) to see the big man himself - Santa Claus! Sebastian seemed to really enjoy himself and we even watched the parade again when it aired later in the afternoon on tv (and we even saw ourselves!!).

As for Santa, well I think he's gotten himself another fan... Right now as I'm typing away Sebastian's upstairs getting ready for bed with his daddy and I can hear him talking about Santa Claus, stating "He's my friend. He's a nice guy." He's even showing Santa how well he brushes his teeth!

Playing with Campbell while waiting for the parade to start

Santa Claus!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Best Mommy In the World... (self declared!)

Jamie & I took some time this evening to back up all of our photos, including the pre-Sebastian years. While doing so I thought I would share the very first video taken of Sebastian. It's definitely not the best video (you have to turn your head to see it properly) but well, I find it quite humorous.. Poor kid!

P.S., and the joke is apparently on me. The other day I asked Sebastian who was the best and he said "Daddy!!". Guess he's on to me....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


"And where we are met with cynicism and doubt and fear and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of the American people in three simple words -- yes, we can."

Last night history was made. The people of the United States voted for change - Barack Obama is the first African American President of the United States of America.

And as Sebastian is too young to remember this beautiful day in history I wanted to include this as a memento of this wonderful occasion.

Friday, October 31, 2008

I present to you... Sir Sebastian of Lumsden!

Happy Hallow's Eve Everyone!

Tonight marked Sebastian's very first time Trick & Treating and it was awesome!

Last year Sebastian was much too young to actually go door to door and/or even have some candy, so since this was his first time really experiencing Halloween we weren't too sure how much he'd enjoy it. But like everything else, Sebastian definitely didn't disappoint us. He did a great job with daddy's help knocking on people's doors and saying "Trick and Treat" and we were even more proud of the fact that he said thank you to everyone without having to be reminded to do so.

Posing with his friend/neighbour

What was also neat was that Sebastian didn't seem to be bothered at all by the various spooky things that people had put out to decorate their homes. Our one neighbour had a coffin with a skeleton propped up against their house and Sebastian approached the skeleton and said "Hello Mr. Skeleton!" Luckily the skeleton wasn't animated as I'm not too sure how much he would have liked a moving skeleton! All and all I think we hit about 15 houses in total before we decided to come home and call it a night.

Overall it was a great night and we're happy Sebastian seemed to enjoy himself so much. Hoping everyone else enjoyed the night.

Blessed Be,

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Gutting 101

Today I was all geared up to share the joy of carving a pumpkin with Sebastian. The first thing we did was decide what we were going to carve. I had drawn a picture of Makka Pakka but Sebastian thought it was a clown so that idea was out. I then drew a cool mummy-like thing (well, I thought it was cool), but Sebastian didn't know what it was - so Strike 2. I then drew a regular jack-o-lantern but Sebastian didn't seem to be all that impressed - Strike 3, I was out.

So I went on-line and started looking at images of carved pumpkins. Sebastian saw the one of Jack and exclaimed he wanted Jack - so Jack it was! First issue, done.

Now came the fun part. Cutting open the top of the pumpkin and pulling out the pumpkin guts. Seems that Sebastian really isn't fond of pumpkin guts... hopefully he'll develop a taste for it as he gets older..what fun is Hallow's Eve without pumpkin guts?!?!?!


Lately Sebastian has been demonstrating, quite well in fact, why people call the second year of life the Terrible Two's. He has two winter jackets that I have purchased which he absolutely refuses to wear. I have no idea what we're going to do when the cold weather finally comes.

However, with all that being said, last weekend I purchased Sebastian a pair of winter boots. The boy won't take them off!!! Now if only I can work the winter jacket deal in here somewhere we may indeed have success!

In his pajamas getting ready for bed

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Art Day!

Yesterday, after spending our morning playing with Sebastian's friend Leah, Sebastian decided that he just wasn't going to nap. So, to pass the time we decided to do some arts and crafts.

Initially Sebastian did some watercolouring but then we became a little more adventurous. I had purchased some canvas a few months back and thought that it might be neat for Sebastian to do his own art project to put on his bedroom wall. These are pics of Sebastian working hard and the last picture is the finished project, which has yet to be put up in his room.

In celebration....

Following the long weekend we took a trek to Fort Erie to help celebrate Nana's (Sebastian's Great-Nana's) 95th birthday. We rented a cottage to make it a weekend away from home for ourselves, but unfortunately Sebastian came down with croup so it wasn't nearly as relaxing of a weekend as we had hoped. However, he's now better, we were able to visit with family and despite being so ill he fondly talks about playing with his cousin Jeremy on the golf course!

Thank You Aunt Becky!!

This is long overdue... Sending out a special thank you to Aunt Becky who lives out in B.C. for Sebastian's birthday present, which he received on the Thanksgiving Monday. Here are some pics to show you what he thought of it!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Our Day...

To work off last night's feast Sebastian and I spent our morning at Riverdale Farm running around and talking to the animals. It was a great morning to do so, as it wasn't too busy and we spent some time speaking to one of the volunteers as she milked one of the cows. The unfortunate part of the experience is that Sebastian now thinks I have udders and teets. Lovely. Just lovely. =)

Before we left we went into the kitchen at the farm and had some freshly baked oatmeal cookies. We were even lucky enough to see a freight train along the way home, which was the icing on the cake for Sebastian. The kid was in heaven - animals, running, fresh air, tractors, cookies and trains - oh my!

After his nap we headed out to vote. A word to those who have yet to do so and are bringing their young children with them. Do not tell the volunteers that you figured the best way to vote is to give the pencil to your toddler and have him choose who you're voting for based on where he scribbles! It amused me, but alas, I was the only one who was amused. Needless to say, I voted...

We then spent the remainder of the afternoon at the park and I'm hoping that all the fresh air has tuckered our lil' pumpkin out. Cause I know all this fresh air has definitely tuckered me out!

And although it does look like he's wearing the same thing he had on yesterday your eyes are not quite deceiving you... That's his fall sweater/jacket so pair it up with jeans and voila, he looks like he hasn't changed in days!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Took some time out of our busy schedule to take a morning walk in the ravine. We played in the leaves and collected a few to make our table centerpiece for Thanksgiving dinner this evening. Sebastian is now napping, the turkey is about to be put in the oven and we're waiting for Nonee and Papa to arrive to help us celebrate the many things and people we are thankful for, one of whom is Papa. Happy Birthday Papa!

Hoping everyone is having/has had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo....

Today Sebastian and I spent our morning at the zoo. The weather was absolutely beautiful and I realized just how much I love the Fall. I love it so much in fact that I'm pretty confident I can say it's my favourite season. However, this isn't about me...

While at the zoo we went to the Stingray Exhibit where Sebastian watched the Stingray's swim around and I was actually able to pet quite a few. Sebastian was a little timid of them, as he would withdraw his hand from the water whenever one approached, but it's not surprising as they move so effortlessly throughout the water and there was quite a lot of people around. And for those who have never had the experience of petting a stingray, the best word to use to describe how they feel is squishy. Very squishy.

We didn't get through the whole zoo... It took us two hours to get up to the Gorillas and by that time we were both hungry and Sebastian was beginning to yawn from all the fresh air and exercise. I am hoping to go again sometime in the near future and hopefully will start in the opposite direction next time. Poor Sebastian though...he had a hard time leaving as he began to cry stating he didn't want to go. I told him that it was lunch and naptime for the animals and that seemed to work. We weren't even at the 401 and my lil' animal was fast asleep. In fact, he's still sleeping now!

Hoping everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Annual Check-Up/Review

Sebastian had his two year annual check up today. Not too much to report as he's a perfect lil' pumpkin and we were out of the doctor's office within half an hour. We now don't need to return unless Sebastian becomes sick, which hopefully, won't happen anytime soon. I should however give an update as to the many wonderful things that he's doing at 2, so without further adieu:

Weight: 27.75lbs
Height: 35.5"

- Loves to read. He will sit contently and look at a book, turning the pages one by one, and has started pretending to read what is on the pages. His favourite book at the moment is Richard Scarry's "Cars, Trucks and Things That Go". He reads it every night before bed. Once with Jamie and then again (!!) with me.
- Skips/gallops/runs/jumps/hops
- Throws/kicks/attempts to catch and dribble balls
- Uses 5-6 word sentences
- Loves to draw/paint and will tell us what he is drawing
- Knows his colours
- Counts and recites his ABC's
- Attempting to pee standing up because, as he will say, "I'm a big boy"
- Is very sensitive to other children and what/how they are feeling. For example, he will often tell us if someone is sad/happy etc., based on what they are doing. He is also able to tell us how he is feeling
- Enjoys watching YouTube clips of vintage Sesame Street. His favourite clip is "Orange sings Carmen". (previously posted about this)
- Has just begun interacting more with his toys, for example, he will speak with his toys and take them places with him
- Tells us what to do (a lot!) - I should actually rephrase this to say that he attempts to tell us what to do!
- Consistently goes pee on the potty
- Loves to help us clean and bake/cook
- Loves to dance, which really entails running around in circles in the front room. He will often ask me to put on music so that he can dance and most times I'm allowed to dance along - but not all the time
- Playing with other children. Sebastian really enjoys his play time with Leah and the children at his daycare. He's also quite friendly to other children, often saying "Come play" to them even if he's just met them and it doesn't matter if they're older or younger than him.
- Will often tell us about things that happened days ago and has a good memory of events/people/places etc
- Climbs! Climbs! Climbs! He's a regular daredevil and tries to climb on everything!

This list is definitely not exhaustive, but these are just a few of the things off the top of my head.

Life is definitely not boring with a two year old and yes, I know it sounds so cliche but it's the truth. Although every day is so busy with new experiences and accomplishments it's amazing being able to re-experience everything again through a child's eyes. I think if there's ever a time that it's so pertinent to stop and smell the roses, again cliche, this is it. Even if I didn't want to I think Sebastian would see fit that I did!!

CIBC's Run for the Cure Part 2

"There is no pebble so small that it won't make ripples when tossed into a body of water." - Charles Peck

Yesterday Sebastian and I participated in this year's CIBC Run for the Cure for Breast Cancer. Overall we raised $575., which isn't too bad considering we only started fundraising a few months ago.

It was a cool morning but it quickly warmed up, for me at least, once I got into my stride. It took us approx. 1 hour to finish the 5km walk. I'm sure we could have completed it in under an hour but it's hard to boot along with so many people! Now if I really get my act together maybe next year I'll run it....

Participating in the event was actually more emotionally overwhelming than I had imagined. A lot of people had on signs declaring who they were walking for and it was really sad to see people walking for those who were no longer with us. We weren't really walking for anyone in particular. We were just walking because we could. Not to say that we were walking because we know how to walk. We were walking because although I've never personally been touched by having or truly knowing someone with the disease, I wanted to participate in something that was bigger than me. I hope as Sebastian grows he will realize that he is much more than just an individual in a mass of people living on this earth and that we are all interconnected.