Sunday, December 23, 2007

What a Night!

Our night started off normal... Sebastian was in bed by 7 p.m. and Jamie and I were looking forward to spending our evening relaxing with some port and wrapping Christmas presents. At approx. 7:15 p.m. Sebastian awakes and is crying quite strongly so Jamie runs upstairs to settle him back down. Jamie calls out for me in a panicked voice so I run upstairs to see Sebastian covered in vomit. Not only is he covered, but there's vomit in the crib, on the crib and even on the floor. Poor guy was quite scared, reasonably so. Jamie and I quickly stripped him down and while I soothed him Jamie was a champ and cleaned up the puke.

Okay, so by now you should be asking yourself, "What is the big deal? It's only puke and why would Kim be blogging about it?" Well you see, for us, it was a big deal. This was Sebastian's first ever big boy puke. He used to spittle a bit as an infant but nothing like what we faced last night. And no sooner had we cleaned him up with fresh pajamas, he puked again! This time all over himself and me! I wasn't actually as grossed out as I thought I would be. I was more focused on reassuring Sebastian that he was okay and cleaning up the mess once again.

Again we stripped him down, got him into fresh pajamas and cuddled. By now he was pretty pale and green, but thankfully he was drinking his water well. I contacted Evelyn, the woman who cares for him while I'm working, as she was ill on Friday and we deduced that he probably picked up a stomach virus. She reassured me that she was fine within 24hrs and since he didn't have a fever and he was drinking his water I knew we just had to wait it out and let things run its course.

In total our little guy got sick 4 times. By then we were able to direct the vomit into the bucket and him and I were both covered in towels as well as a full-sleeve artists smock on Sebastian to help keep our clothes clean. After having some crackers Sebastian finally drifted off to sleep in my arms at 10:15 p.m. We both fell asleep in the chair cuddling and it wasn't until midnight that Jamie woke me up and I placed Sebastian in his crib for the night.

The rest of the night was uneventful and it was nice to see colour in Sebastian's face this morning when he awoke. Which of course was still early at 6:30 a.m. despite not having nearly as much sleep as he normally gets!

But he's in great spirits, there's been no pukeage (is that even a word?) as of yet today and hopefully neither Jamie and I will catch whatever he had! So now we're a little behind on our holiday prep, but that's okay...we've survived our first bout of having a vomiting toddler. And we're just thankful that this little adventure happened now as opposed to Tuesday!

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