Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Two Posts in One Day!

Just felt a need to add to my previous post...

After Sebastian awoke from his nap this afternoon, in which he was at the kitchen table having his lunch, we could hear the fire trucks coming our way. Whenever we hear the firetrucks coming our way, which they do at least once a day as we live on a street that they use frequently, we run to the front door as fast as we can to catch a glimpse of the truck(s) as they speed on by.

Today was no different, except for the fact that the sirens stopped before they passed by our house. Well, Sebastian and I quickly got ready to head out to find the firetruck and find it we did! It was parked around the corner from our house, thankfully due to a non-emergency situation, and Sebastian got to check the truck out up close and personal. While doing so the firefighter in the front seat waved to him and Sebastian waved back, which was great as Sebastian continued talking about the fireman as we continued on our journey (we actually had a purpose to get out of the house besides tracking down the firetruck - we were on our way to the grocery store to grab items for dinner). Then as the firetruck was leaving the scene they passed us by again and the one firefighter even leaned out the window to get Sebastian's attention and wave to him!

It's days like this that make me enjoy my neighbourhood and Toronto.

And of course, like the blog below, I have to add that Sebastian went in his potty once more before bath tonight!!! I'm so proud of our lil' pumpkin. =)

Good night,

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