Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Long weekend

Hope everyone had a safe and happy long labour day weekend. We spent our time surrounded by family and friends and it was absolutely wonderful.

Our pre-start to the weekend began on Thursday evening when we babysat our friend Leah for a few hours. This entailed getting both of the little munchkins to bed and it was really quite enjoyable, despite the fact that it took Sebastian much longer to settle because he was so excited. Leah's older sister recently gave her a haircut so I joked about how I had two children, twins... You can see for yourself:

Saturday started us off with a lazy morning followed with some shopping in preparation for a bbq with Geoff, Pierrette and Christophe in the late afternoon/early evening. And then on Sunday we took the trek down to Fort Erie to visit with family. While there we went to Nana's for dinner and had a surprise birthday celebration for Sebastian! It was such a surprise that Jamie and I didn't even know we were having it! I was also able to spend some alone time with my Nana, which I haven't done in years, so it was extra special for me as well.

It was a great time and it was adorable watching Sebastian with his cousins. For example, we went for a walk to get Popsicles and Sebastian would not hold anyone else's hand but his cousin Jeremy's. Sebastian even spent some time on the couch cuddling with his Aunt Shari and rubbing her belly (she's approx. 5 months pregnant). We refer to pregnant women as having "baby bellies" so I'm not too sure if he fully understands the whole concept of her having a baby in her stomach, but it was sweet all the same.

And a special thank you again to my family for arranging for Sebastian to celebrate his birthday. It was so sweet and you could see it on his face just how happy he was (this is the smile he gives us with something "tickles him pink"!).

And on Monday to wrap up the weekend the 3 of us spent a beautiful morning playing outside in the backyard. We ate our lunch outside and following Sebastian's nap we spent the late afternoon/early evening with friends having a bbq.

As I said, it was a busy long weekend but it was great being able to share it with family and friends. Thank you to those who spent it with us.

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