Sunday, September 9, 2007

Only 10 more days to go until Sebastian's first birthday!!

So, the countdown continues but I really wish it would slow down as I have a ton of stuff to get done before he can turn 1!

I've been working on my very first quilt that I am making for Sebastian for his birthday that will hopefully get done in time but I'm not counting on it. I find that most evenings after Sebastian is down for the night and we finally have dinner I just want to veg and working on a quilt is not vegging at the least! Oh is my goal to have it done so I will be spending the next 9 nights quilting away!! Oh joy!! (it's actually not too bad once I get going...but it's a killer on my back).

I'm also trying to compile a scrapbook of my pregnancy as well as an album of Sebastian's first year, but these aren't going to be completed for his first birthday celebrations. I am going to wait until I get the pics from all his birthday parties (yes, I said all - the kid is having 4 separate parties!!) before I put the album together. Hopefully by Christmas these will be done.

I am also planning on taking Sebastian to try out our first Gymboree class on Monday. While I was pregnant I had planned on doing some of their music classes with Sebastian but it wasn't possible until now with his napping schedule. Of course, knowing my luck he'll nap for 2 hours in the morning on Monday and we'll miss class (he has a very uncanny knack for doing this!)

We also signed up again for swimming lessons through the City. Sebastian absolutely loves the water so Jamie & I will be alternating taking him in the water on Saturdays starting at the end of Sept. and continuing straight through until November. We're hoping his little friend Natalie will be joining us too. I actually find it interesting to reflect on all those things I wanted to do with Sebastian while I was pregnant and what we actually did. I never did take him to Movie for Mommies but that was mostly because I didn't care for the movies they were showing and he was never the type of baby that actually slept when I wanted him too! We also never did Strollercise and that was because I didn't want to pay to walk around a park when I get out a number of times a week with Sebastian. Of course, I don't do situps or anything like that when I'm with Sebastian but I'm okay with missing out on that!

Jamie's been working with Sebastian on beginning to walk but I don't think he's quite ready to start walking on his own quite yet. It's actually quite cute. Jamie will put a blanket around him like a harness and hold him to assist him in walking. Sebastian really enjoys it and has such a huge grin on his face. He's also reminding me daily of all the little things I need to do to baby-proof our house. I actually thought we had everything covered, but I was wrong (won't be the last time I'm sure!). Now he's using his toys to reach things on our entertainment unit, which made me realize that his next adventure will be climbing on the entertainment unit. So our t.v., which has yet to be wall mounted, is not going to be safe regardless of whether it's on the wall or not! I'm actually quite proud of him for figuring out all these little things but it would be nice if he could just slow down a bit!

Well I'm beat but since I mentioned the quilt I'm going to have to complete the last few squares before bed (I then just have to do the border and all 26 letters of the alphabet! It can be done in 9 days, I'm sure of it.)

Hope everyone had a good weekend.
p.s., Who am I kidding? Maybe the quilt will be done by Thanksgiving?
p.p.s, Okay...Jamie's will be done for Jamie's birthday!!

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