Monday, September 29, 2008

C is for Cookie

Today was just one of those days... It was rainy and cold and since we had such a busy weekend I took the day to recuperate by lazying about the house and just enjoying Sebastian's company. Which I normally do, but it's just so nice knowing that there was no place we needed to be.

As I have been slowly working up to toilet training Sebastian I also took today as an opportunity to focus more energy on ensuring he was using the potty regularly. The end result was that we've had a dry pull-up all day! Tomorrow I may attempt a bare bum day (meaning no diaper and/or underwear)... but of course, we'll see if I'm feeling that adventurous tomorrow!

After playing all morning and doing some arts and crafts, in which Sebastian helped me make a Jack-o-lantern by gluing the pieces on to the face (pictured above), we spent our afternoon baking. He is such a wonderful little helper in the kitchen and I was blown away with how diligently he worked beside me! I absolutely love these shots of the lil' baker boy in action. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Only 356 More Days To Go....

Last weekend, after celebrating Sebastian's birthday with family on the Friday, we joined friends to celebrate Sebastian and our friend Morgan's birthday at East Lynn Park on the Sunday. The weather was okay...a little too cold for my liking, but the kids didn't seem to mind it. I've included a couple of pics of the day below. As well check out the slideshow from Abbas. His pics are so much nicer than what my camera produces. My favourite picture is the one of Sebastian running.

We then spent yesterday in Guelph celebrating Sebastian's birthday along with Grandad who turned 83 on Sept. 25th (Sebastian's actual due date). Sebastian spent a lot of quality time with Grandad and it was really sweet seeing Sebastian enjoy his Great Grandad's company as much as he did.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Sept. 19, 2008


Sebastian spent his 2nd birthday celebrating with Grandma, Grandpa, Nonee, Papa and Uncle Dan. We spent the morning playing with Grandpa and Grandma and when Sebastian woke up from his nap Nonee and Papa were here to join the festivities. Uncle Danny then joined us for dinner and we continued with the festivities up until bedtime.

Sebastian enjoyed playing with his presents - his dancing turtle, breakfast menu, water blocks, blocks, lego and new toothbrush holder were just some of the presents he received today.

Overall, Sebastian had an awesome day with his family and we're so happy that everyone made the effort to be here with us to celebrate. As for Jamie and I...words can't even begin to describe how thankful we are to have Sebastian in our lives. He is such a beautiful young boy and we're so happy to be blessed with sharing the last two years with him.

We love you Sebastian,
Mommy & Daddy
xoxoxoxox the moon and back

Monday, September 15, 2008

Gearing up....

This past weekend we took Sebastian to his first class of Sportball. Initially he had a hard time adjusting, he didn't want to wear his shoes and it seemed to be a tad bit too busy for his liking. Seeing that he is the youngest in the class (the class if for 2-3 year olds and he's not turning 2 until next week) he did quite well. By the end of the class he was running around and attempting to dribble the soccer ball.

We then spent Sunday meeting the newest member of the Jefferson family; baby Taite. Sebastian had a great time playing with Griffin and it was nice watching the two of them play so nicely together. Kim, Sebastian's birthday buddy, and Christa also surprised us with a birthday cake. It was really nice and Sebastian was fast asleep in the car before we even hit Park Rd!

As for the upcoming week we're going to be busy getting ready for more birthday festivities. I can't believe in less than a week Sebastian will be 2! I'm more surprised over how excited I am for this birthday...last year I was so sad he was turning 1. I think this year is different because Sebastian is so much more interactive and it's great being able to actually play along with him! He started walking at 14 months and now he's running, skipping, dancing and dribbling soccer balls! He's throwing and kicking balls with a lot more accuracy and verbally he speaks in 4-5 word sentences quite frequently. He now knows his colours, shapes and can count from 1-10. He attempts his alphabet and can sing along but is unable to recite his alphabet from A-Z just yet. And his sense of humour is amazing! What's amazing is the fact that he will often do something silly and then laugh at himself for doing it! He also laughs at my antics quite frequently and once even told me that I was being silly! Poor kid - I told him to get used to it!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Happiness is....

Hearing Sebastian exclaim very loudly "I love mommy!" while you're upstairs getting dressed and having to run downstairs in your towel to give him a big kiss and hug as this is the first time he's told you he's loved you without you saying "I love you" first!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

It is Saturday morning. We've been up since 6. We have classical music playing in the background and as I'm having my second cup of coffee I'm listening to the pitter patter of raindrops while watching Sebastian build towers out of his megablocks.

This is love.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Just thought I'd share....

Sometime late spring/early summer Evelyn, the woman who becomes Sebastian's 2nd mom while I'm at work, was shocked that Sebastian knew his colours. You see, he was playing in the sandbox and holding a green shovel and when she asked him what colour the shovel was he answered green. She told me this as I arrived to pick him up and as he was still in the sandbox playing with the green shovel I asked Sebastian the same question. He replied purple. I think Evelyn was more crushed than I was that we didn't have a baby Einstein!

However, within the past two weeks I'm proud to say that Sebastian now actually knows his colours. He still makes some errors (i.e., he thinks our car is white when it's silver) but he's at least right 90-95% of the time. And since nobody's perfect that's good enough for us! =)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Long weekend

Hope everyone had a safe and happy long labour day weekend. We spent our time surrounded by family and friends and it was absolutely wonderful.

Our pre-start to the weekend began on Thursday evening when we babysat our friend Leah for a few hours. This entailed getting both of the little munchkins to bed and it was really quite enjoyable, despite the fact that it took Sebastian much longer to settle because he was so excited. Leah's older sister recently gave her a haircut so I joked about how I had two children, twins... You can see for yourself:

Saturday started us off with a lazy morning followed with some shopping in preparation for a bbq with Geoff, Pierrette and Christophe in the late afternoon/early evening. And then on Sunday we took the trek down to Fort Erie to visit with family. While there we went to Nana's for dinner and had a surprise birthday celebration for Sebastian! It was such a surprise that Jamie and I didn't even know we were having it! I was also able to spend some alone time with my Nana, which I haven't done in years, so it was extra special for me as well.

It was a great time and it was adorable watching Sebastian with his cousins. For example, we went for a walk to get Popsicles and Sebastian would not hold anyone else's hand but his cousin Jeremy's. Sebastian even spent some time on the couch cuddling with his Aunt Shari and rubbing her belly (she's approx. 5 months pregnant). We refer to pregnant women as having "baby bellies" so I'm not too sure if he fully understands the whole concept of her having a baby in her stomach, but it was sweet all the same.

And a special thank you again to my family for arranging for Sebastian to celebrate his birthday. It was so sweet and you could see it on his face just how happy he was (this is the smile he gives us with something "tickles him pink"!).

And on Monday to wrap up the weekend the 3 of us spent a beautiful morning playing outside in the backyard. We ate our lunch outside and following Sebastian's nap we spent the late afternoon/early evening with friends having a bbq.

As I said, it was a busy long weekend but it was great being able to share it with family and friends. Thank you to those who spent it with us.