Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The antics of Sebastian continue to amaze me on a daily basis.

Yesterday Sebastian decided that he was going to attempt to climb on top of his "Bee Bop Band" drum. This isn't a huge drum by any means, as he could easily sit on it safely if he chose to do so. But of course, sitting is boring for our little man! So instead, he decides to crawl on top of it and see if he can balance himself in a crouched position.

Today of course, he decides to do one better! Not only has he mastered climbing on it he has now mastered standing straight up on it and getting himself back down safely! I couldn't safely get a picture of his face in the last shot to show you how proud he was of himself, but he is definitely grinning!

And here I thought him walking was going to give me a heart attack!!

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