Saturday, February 28, 2009

Filling in the Blanks

Earlier this week our friend Kim posted on Facebook a exercise that her son, who will be turning 4 in June, did at preschool. It looked like fun and I was curious to see if Sebastian could fill in the blanks. He had some difficulty, but when I reworded the questions, for example, asking him what he would carry if he drove a truck, he was able to answer. Anyways, I thought it was cute so I wanted to share..

The capital letters are where he answered the fill in the blanks:

I can drive a truck. I can carry... GARBAGE.

I can work outside. I can be a... GARBAGE TRUCK.

I can work in a store. I can sell... SHOPPING.

I can make things. I can make... CEREAL.

I can help people or animals. I can be a .... MONKEY.

I can be anything! I can be a... BATMAN *Initially Sebastian was stumped on this one...he said something but we had no clue what it was as sometimes Seb just likes to make words up, so after some guidance as to who he would like to be he replied Batman.

And thanks Kim for the blogging idea!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Long weekends are long!!

I have started to blog a number of times over this past weekend but my heart just wasn't into it (get it?!?..I know, lame! ha!) so for something new I'm just going to ask Sebastian questions and post his answers...

1. What did you do this weekend?

Nothing. I wanted cookie and mom said "No"and I said, "I want more cookie"

He said the last statement in a sing-songy voice to show the difference between my voice and his! We had cookies for snack this morning and he wasn't too happy when he didn't get more. Guess he remembered!

2. Who did you see this weekend?

Stingrays and fish, peacocks, monkeys and elephants

I think this kid has a vivid imagination! We did not go to the zoo...we saw Wendy from music, our Sportball coaches, a bunch of kids at a birthday party and Nonee and Papa. ..Hey, wait a second! Who is he calling a monkey?!?!

3. What are you doing today?


Sebastian just started playing hockey in the front room. Guess he plans on playing hockey all day. =)

4. What did you do this morning?

Play and read.

Very true. This is indeed what we did.

Anyways, now Sebastian is playing hockey in the front room and our interview is over as he is no longer answering my questions! So I'll provide the summary of our long weekend...

We had a very busy long weekend as we went to music class for 9 a.m. on Saturday morning followed by Sportball at 10:45. Between classes, as they were just down the street from each other, we relaxed at Tim Hortons.

After class we came home, had lunch and attempted to put Sebastian down for his afternoon nap, which he decided he wasn't going to have. So, once we realized (as it always takes us longer to realize it's not happening than it does for Sebastian) we headed out to a birthday party at the Peanut Club for one of Jamie's co-worker's little girls. Sebastian really, really enjoyed himself. Poor kid didn't want to leave and was the only kid who actually cried when it was time to go. =(

Come Sunday Nonee and Papa came in for the day for a nice visit and yesterday we just went to music class. We had planned on going to Riverdale Farm after music but Sebastian fell asleep in the car along the way so we just came home and enjoyed a relaxing day around the house. And as Sebastian previously stated, so far today we've played and read books.

Nothing too exciting for an update, but an update nonetheless. =)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I am taking a day to myself, which so far has consisted of going grocery shopping and fixing the toilet (it's true!), so I thought I should at least take five minutes out of my day to blog as I haven't done so in almost a month and I still have to clean the house and put away laundry (did I mention I was taking the day to myself?!?).

Anyways, things here are going well. Sebastian was able to experience the joys of Lego for the first time earlier this month when Jamie got out the Lego "starter kit" that Sebastian received when he was 3 months old from his Nonee and Papa. Now Seb has played with Megabloks and the larger size pieces, but not actually Lego before, so it was really special for Jamie to be able to share something that he loves with Sebastian. Right now Sebastian, I think, is more interested in the noise the Lego makes as it hits the hardwood floor than actually building but give him time... I'm sure by summer he'll be able to put the Millennium Falcon together with his dad! Or at least watch... =)

We also had a nice visit from my dad who came up to help us celebrate my birthday, which was really nice for Sebastian as he doesn't see his grandpa or grandma nearly often enough.

Other than that, we've been doing our regular stuff; Music on Mondays, Library on Tuesdays, Evelyn's Wed-Fri, Sportball on Saturday and Sunday spent doing absolutely nothing!! Which isn't exactly true but it's so nice not having anything scheduled on Sundays so that we can actually do what we want to do!

And as for Sebastian, he continues to awe us. He's speaking in full sentences and has been for quite some time, which is funny to us as all I've read is that by 2 1/2 most kids can string 4 words together - Who are these people?!? And he loves playing just about everything and anything. He's also at the stage where he's really helpful to have around. For example, yesterday he helped me put clothes in the washing machine and in the dryer. Folding is a whole other issue but next week I'm confident he can start putting his own clothes away! He also helps putting dishes in the dishwasher. Now if only I could teach him how to clean the cat litter we'd be all set!

Well my 5 minutes of blogging is over. Time to get back to having the day to myself. =)

Hoping everyone is enjoying the warm weather,