I've been a little tardy with keeping up, so I thought I'd just give a quick update on what we've been up to.
1. Sebastian had his first haircut at the barber's a few Saturdays ago. This is the same barber that Jamie goes to so we thought we'd see how Sebastian managed. It went well... sorta. Sebastian sat on Jamie's lap and I held his hands (for reassurance, not because he was trying to hit the barber!). Sebastian now looks like he's ready to join the military. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this will be the only time in his life he looks like this. Here is a picture of Jack brushing Sebastian off:

2. The next day we went to the Scarborough Bluffs where we enjoyed a nice luncheon with Jamie's co-workers and their families at the Yacht Club. Sebastian did an amazing job of sitting nicely and eating and we were really proud of how content he was with sitting at the table and reading his books. This is a silly pic of him standing on his chair (after I just said we were amazed at how nicely he sat!!) with his plastic Budweiser cup...

3. The following Tuesday I went to the NIN show... but this blog isn't about me (even though I was front/second row and absolutely loved it!!!). Ha ha
4. And last but definitely not least, Jamie and I reached a big milestone this past weekend for ourselves. We actually spent our first night away from Sebastian!! To celebrate our anniversary we went back to the Windsor Arms, where we had stayed on our wedding night, for the night following a lovely dinner downtown. Nonee and Papa came in and stayed with Sebastian. I had known that Sebastian would survive but I was really worried that I would not do too well. Truth be told... it was kinda nice having a kid-free night. Hopefully it won't take us another two years until we have another one!