Sunday, July 6, 2008

A camping we will go...

In one week today we are going camping!! Yippee!!

Jamie and I are both very excited to share something that we love doing so much with Sebastian. And we've even been able to persuade Nonee and Papa, who would rather hike and take their campsite off their backs as opposed to taking their campsite out of the car, to join us. As it's Sebastian's first time we're going to be only going for 3 nights but we think that if things go smoothly we may try to squeeze another camping trip in for few days in August.

Besides spending the weekend preparing for the trip we took some time out of our busy Saturday to take Jamie to Riverdale Farm. This is a farm located in the City that has a number of different farmyard animals (chickens, roosters, bunnies, turkeys, pigs, goats, sheep, ducks, horses, cows and a donkey - and silly me, I almost forgot the tractor that Sebastian loves so much!), and the best part about it is that it is free! Sebastian and I have been a number of times on our own, as it's a great way to spend a morning or late afternoon, but Jamie has never been. Sebastian seemed to quite enjoy taking Jamie by the hand and showing him the animals! Anyways, here are some pics from our day...

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