...Sebastian entered into this world.
(Photo courtesy of Geoff)Can you believe it? Sebastian is now 1 1/2 years old! Where did the time go? And what is even more strange is that, compared to when he turned one, I am actually looking forward to Sebastian's 2nd birthday!!
You see, what I've realized is that as time passes Sebastian just keeps getting cooler and cooler and the more fun we have. Sure he was cute and fun as a baby, but it's amazing the kind of things an 18 month old can do! Which of course, is my segue into a long post updating everyone on all the fun and exciting things Sebastian can do (hope you like to read!)!
At 18 months of age Sebastian....
- Talks non-stop. He can say at least over 30 words now, is pronouncing words clearly (for the most part) and is beginning to put words together (i.e., "How are you?").
- Uses his imagination! This one I love! Sebastian is beginning to use his imagination and play make-believe. He will often be seen using a toy and acting something out with it. We don't always know exactly what it is exactly he is acting out, but it's cute all the same!
- Runs! It is so much fun watching him run and bounce around the house. He's still a tad bit clumsy but I'm sure if we had more space he would be running laps around the place!
- Walks down the street. Sebastian and I went for our first walk down the street the other day. Of course walking isn't anything new, but now that the snow is melting we walked down the street side-by-side holding hands. It was sweet and I'm really looking forward to going on more walks like this.
- Recognizes people and says their names when he sees them (or a picture of them). Sebastian will also refer to his Uncle Danny as a geek (ah, the tradition continues!) and is able to connect people together. For example, if we ask him about his Nonee/Grandma he'll say Papa/Grandpa. He also enjoys calling me Kim - thanks Baz!
- Recognizes some shapes and colours. The other night while eating dinner he started pointing at the shapes along his plate and saying their correct names. I actually didn't know he could do this... so far he knows circle, heart and star... he'll repeat triangle and square but I don't believe he recognizes the shapes just yet. As for colours, he recognizes purple and sometimes yellow.
- Colouring. We're amazed at how much Sebastian loves to colour. He will sit in his chair and colour for a good hour before he gets bored. If he's asked too he will make circles and he's just beginning to attempt to colour in the lines (actually, he scribbles back and forth in a linear pattern with the crayon and is very determined in colouring/scribbling over the object).
- Puzzles. Sebastian is just learning how to complete puzzles. He has one wooden puzzle with insects that he is now very good at doing. Within the past two weeks we've seen a vast change regarding this as he's now able to place the insect in the correct place, whereas before he really had no idea what he was doing!
- Reading. I think I would have to say that this is Sebastian's favourite thing to do at the moment. He will get a book and sit quietly either independently or with us, flipping the pages and talking about the various objects he can see. Along with pointing out the various objects he's also quite proficient with matching the animal to the correct animal sound. And we must say, he does a pretty good seal impersonation! =)
- Follows direction. This is one of my favourite things! Sebastian will do what he is told and it is unbelievable. Now of course, there's moments when he doesn't want to come and sit and get his boots on, but for the most part, for example, when asked to come and sit so that he can put his boots on, he does! Same with going upstairs for a diaper change! Even though I think this one has more to do with being able to walk up the stairs than actually getting a clean bum!
- Forget sitting in the highchair, Sebastian likes to pull out the big chairs and sit in them to have his snack, complete his puzzles and/or just look at books.
- Prefers to use our forks and spoons opposed to the toddler ones we have (and is actually quite good at using them).
- When asking for something he will often say "Please" by either speaking it or using the sign for please.
- Sebastian now dances along with me to the music as opposed to being forced to dance with me (as I'd often just pick him up and dance around the room). It is so much fun being able to boogie in the livingroom with my boy! And his rhythm isn't too bad either!
- Sebastian prefers to walk up the stairs holding our hands as opposed to crawling
- Attempts to give the cats hugs and kisses and gets visibly upset when they run away from him (poor kid has yet to learn the intricacies of living with cats).
- Lies quietly and reads a book while getting his diaper changed.
- Says "coffee" whenever we start the grinder for our coffee beans (now if only we could teach him how to make our coffee!)
- Drinks from a cup, as opposed to the sippy cup, and sips the cereal milk out of his bowl (prior to placing the bowl on his head).
- Is now able to get most of the soup in his mouth as opposed to on him!
And of course with all these wonderful achievements our lil' passionate boy would not disappoint, as he definitely lets us know when his independence is being trampled on! Yes, we're talking about the so-called Terrible Two's. Not a big deal as it's nice to see Sebastian wants his independence and he's pretty easy to distract, but it's interesting all the same to watch Sebastian assert his independence. There are some days when Jamie & I could swear Sebastian is training us as opposed to us guiding him! =)
So, those are just some of the things that Sebastian is doing at the moment. He definitely keeps us busy but we don't mind...life is much more fun sharing it with Sebastian and I'm sure he'd agree with that!
Thank you to everyone who's shared the past 18 months with us!