Today while on our way to dropping Sebastian off at Evelyn's and work, Jamie & I were discussing Sebastian's growing vocabulary. It was during this conversation that I realized I had been somewhat delinquent as I had not been writing down every word Sebastian has said and when. So this evening while Sebastian was eating his dinner Jamie & I comprised a list of the words that Sebastian says on a regular basis. And as I really don't have anything else to blog about, and as I really do love bragging about Sebastian (Ask my co-workers! I have no shame when it comes to this kid!), I thought that I would give everyone an update on the words that Sebastian frequently uses.
Words (in no particular order):
- oh-oh
- cat
- ball
- mama
- dada
- dog
- eye
- more
- bus
- car
- banana (nana)
- yeah
- box
- oops
- spoon
- cracker
- baby
- moo
- cheers (clinks his sippy cup with ours)
- down
- e-i-e-i-o (Old Macdonald)
- vroom
- pee
- fish
- papa
- tigger
- cheese (*says this when getting his pic taken)
- bye-bye
- hi
Sign Language
- milk
- apple
- more
- bath
- thank you
- blows kisses
- gives high-5's (not exactly sign language but I didn't know where else to put it)
So ta-da, now I have a record of Sebastian's vocabulary as he approaches his 16th month birthday. Of course, some of these words aren't necessarily clearly spoken, but we know what he's saying and I guess that's what counts!
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!
Okay, this is too funny not to share... Sebastian seems to be a little confused as to what exactly a fish is at the moment. You see, he has fish crackers that he just loves but now whenever he sees a fish, he says "cracker"!!
This will be my last addendum to this entry... we now have sentences! Not huge long ones that I tend to produce while blogging, but the stringing of 3 words nonetheless! They are: "I'm okay", "I want down", "All done daddy". I"m now going to stop myself from adding any thing more about vocabulary...because once they (toddlers) start , they don't stop!!
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