I figured I'd post this now as we will be in Guelph this upcoming weekend attending a wedding shower Saturday afternoon and then actually having a date night while Nonee & Papa spend some quality time with Sebastian.
This upcoming Saturday, January 19th, our little boy will be turning 16 months old. I have been catching myself referring to him lately as our little boy as opposed to baby, and although I miss calling him my little baby, he really is such a little boy!
Nowadays, since Sebastian is so interactive and social, playing has taken on such a different meaning. Sebastian is now playing with us, as opposed to beside us and I love being able to play cars across the kitchen floor with him or sitting down to read and look at books together.
We have also been playing with the mega-blocks that Sebastian received from his Aunt Becky and Uncle Ken for Christmas and I'm amazed at how quickly he's learned to use them. Although he still has some difficulty connecting some blocks, all of the creations are his alone. He places the blocks where he wants them and if they aren't placed securely I will do it for him.
Our other fun game that Sebastian enjoys at the moment is "chase". Sebastian will "hide" (which is totally hilarious as we can see him but he doesn't realize we can!) and he squeals with delight when we find him. The other day I started looking in the cupboards for him and was surprised to hear him laughing at my antics..almost as if he realized how silly I was being for looking in the cupboards for him!
But the thing I cherish the most that really hit home this week is that no matter how crappy, and I mean really really crappy my work day has been, all I have to do is see Sebastian and it all fades away. He definitely helps me prioritize what's important in life and for that, I am thankful. Jamie and I are truly blessed to have such a wonderful and loving boy!