Monday, May 30, 2011

Our Virgo Child

For fun this evening, I checked out Sebastian's zodiac forecast and this is what came up:

Sebastian has come to this earth with a mission to carry out. He is here to change the world around him, to help others rethink their priorities - and to make a lasting impression on all who ever meet him. 

He is not here, though, to make a fuss or demand attention. Sebastian has a much subtler way of working. Sebastian likes to interact with people one at a time, quietly and calmly. He likes to befriend them, ask them questions, absorb their point of view... and then discreetly suggest smart little ideas that stop them in their tracks! 

He's not going to wait till he's grown up before he begins this process. He's not even, necessarily going to wait until he can talk. Or walk. He's going to listen carefully and watch intently from the moment he draws his first breath... and he's going to reflect back a kind of quizzical attitude that causes his parents to put aside their ideas about how to bring up children, his teachers to reconsider all they learned at college... and his friends to be very glad that they have found the company of such an interesting and different character. 

Sebastian is rarely going to be antagonistic or confrontational. He works through reason, through trust, through communication and through 'play'. But Sebastian is never going to accept that things are as they are because there's no other way they can be. Gently but firmly, he's going to keep on pushing the envelope, stretching the boundary and coaxing the chaotic world around him to recognise its own shortcomings... and start exploring more sensible alternative policies.

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