Saturday, February 28, 2009

Filling in the Blanks

Earlier this week our friend Kim posted on Facebook a exercise that her son, who will be turning 4 in June, did at preschool. It looked like fun and I was curious to see if Sebastian could fill in the blanks. He had some difficulty, but when I reworded the questions, for example, asking him what he would carry if he drove a truck, he was able to answer. Anyways, I thought it was cute so I wanted to share..

The capital letters are where he answered the fill in the blanks:

I can drive a truck. I can carry... GARBAGE.

I can work outside. I can be a... GARBAGE TRUCK.

I can work in a store. I can sell... SHOPPING.

I can make things. I can make... CEREAL.

I can help people or animals. I can be a .... MONKEY.

I can be anything! I can be a... BATMAN *Initially Sebastian was stumped on this one...he said something but we had no clue what it was as sometimes Seb just likes to make words up, so after some guidance as to who he would like to be he replied Batman.

And thanks Kim for the blogging idea!

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